FNF: VS Whitty (Android)

Check out one more mod for FNF — VS Whitty. Bring new colors and spice up your game. Direct link available here, by which you can completely free download the mod on your mobile device with Android OS.

FNF: VS Whitty

FNF: VS Whitty is a mod for the popular music game Friday Night Funkin. The mod adds another week to the game with a new character and your opponent respectively.

You might have already guessed, that your opponent in this mod is named Whitty. It’s an extraordinary character with a normal guy’s body and a bomb-shaped head. Whitty is a former rock star and has an unresolved score with Girlfriend's parents. He wants to teach you and your new family a lesson. In this battle you have to show incredible speed, to defeat your opponent, because it's one of the strongest contenders in Friday Night Funkin.

You will fight in three completely new musical compositions, each of them is unique and designed specifically for this mod. Among other advantages of the mod, it should be noted nice graphic and high-quality character animation.

Download FNF: VS Whitty

A direct link to download the current version of the mod and detailed installation instruction are located below.

How to install FNF : VS Whitty

  1. Download the .apk file to your mobile device.
  2. Then run the installation of the downloaded file. Be sure to allow installing files from unknown sources, otherwise the mod won't install.
  3. Run the mod and play.

Did you manage to install the mod on your smartphone without any problems? If not, write about it below in the comments and we will definitely help you. Also here you can share your opinion and impressions about this mod.

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Friday Night Funkin'
Comments: 15
  1. Anonymous

    Mods keep crashing

    1. Faitnr

      cool mod!

  2. Heaven119

    I have downloaded the apk file, but it didn't show up on the desktop., tried through settings/apps , but he's not here, how do i solve this?

    1. tribute

      try downloading via chrome

  3. Vusal

    Cool game

  4. Anonymous

    Don't run.

    1. Top

      You *****

  5. Sormov

    Gamepro only me

  6. Ezra

    How do

  7. I haven't checked the mod yet but it's probably a cool fnf mod

    Cool mod on fnf

  8. Anonymous

    Why is the boss so difficult? The first songs are Hard! I must be a nerd!?

  9. Artyom

    I only play


    1. Vex

      How to download it

  10. Call to prayer


  11. omar

    ilove this game

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